Wednesday, December 16, 2009

As a result...

I truly fell in love with the class and the opportunities it showed me. Allowing me to express myself freely, a person doesn't get to often. Blogging means something totally new to me now. I would definitely do a blog rather than a paper or a journal. Im not shy and want people to respond to my thoughts to help me understand something or look at something from a different point of view. Because of that throughout the semester I've gained and added knowledge about topics I thought I would have never covered in other classes or even brought up outside of the class room walls. But this class and Dr. Spencer opened my eyes to the fact that many people have the same ideals and beliefs as me but just aren't to sure others do.
to be truthful just about all topics we talked in class about interested me at some point. Some thing that I definitely learned was that female athletes are treated, covered, and looked at different.
As a result I love the class and will definitely contiue to blogg about situation taht interest me. Dr.Spencer should definitley keep the class format the same. Its wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to hear that you plan to continue to blog. As long as you keep the same blog address, I will check in on you to see what you have to say. I hope you will do the same with my "Tennis Prof Chronicles":-) I really appreciated the ideas you expressed through your blog and in your comments in class. Good luck with the remainder of your college career, and in the years ahead!
