In class not to long ago there was a nice discussion about whats the right title for atheltes who are disabled. Should we call them this or that. Well we agreed or was told that the proper title is "athletes with disabilities." back in highschool I had came across two athletes with disabilities. Both were blind and were on the schools wrestling team. Which was amazing experiene for me to witness. Eveyone knows when tey see someone who is physically not as what we call "normal" doing something outstanding it makes one shut up because someone out there is doing just as good as the other with physical features that prevent them from living a normal life. Well that was mine. the two wrestlers I saw were pretty good. Playing anysport blind, deaf, or with with out any limbs is an achievement whether they are good or not. Having the strength to with stand adversity and boundries set by society is Beautiful thing.
Any person with a disability can acheive just as much as a fully able body person if not more. I personally beilieve more coverage on athletes with disabilty should happen.
I totally agree about athletes with disabilities being able to compete at high levels. I always have underestimated what they were able to do until this class. I never really watched or read about athletes with disabilities play sports. But after this class I realize what they can do and how much heart they have to have in order to continue to compete at a high level
ReplyDeleteI agree with you that there should be more coverage of athletes with disabilities. Based on the response from people in class, I will definitely continue to include readings on this topic in class.